grab the jars

Jesus arrives on the scene to disrupt cultural norms, break patterns, and challenge cycles. He offers this encounter to those who are seeking Hope.

What if the next step in you experiencing God’s miraculous power was hinged on your ability to believe! Grab The Jars is our second sermon in our series called Believe. In this sermon you will learn the 4 steps needed to increase your capacity to believe. 

– John 2:1-11


Sermon Series

help my unbelief

Jesus arrives on the scene to disrupt cultural norms, break patterns, and challenge cycles. He offers this encounter to those who are seeking Hope. What if the next step in you experiencing God’s miraculous power was hinged on your ability to believe! 

In this message, Pastor Derrick discusses the powerful influence of unbelief on our lives, comparing it to the impact of fear. He highlights how unbelief can block us from experiencing life’s miracles and how it has deep roots.

– 1 Mark 9:14-29


grab the jars

Jesus arrives on the scene to disrupt cultural norms, break patterns, and challenge cycles. He offers this encounter to those who are seeking Hope.

What if the next step in you experiencing God’s miraculous power was hinged on your ability to believe! Grab The Jars is our second sermon in our series called Believe. In this sermon you will learn the 4 steps needed to increase your capacity to believe. 

– John 2:1-11


it is situated

Jesus arrives on the scene to disrupt cultural norms, break patterns, and challenge cycles. He offers this encounter to those who are seeking Hope. What if the next step in you experiencing God’s miraculous power was hinged on your ability to believe! 

– 1 Thessalonians 2:13